Members $250
Special promotional offer; non-members may attend as a member guest (with a paid member) for the same
$250 member price!
The mission of the Florida Keys Watercolor Society is to promote the fine art of water based painting through fellowship and education within its membership base. With a focus on art appreciation, education, and sponsorship opportunities, its goal is to welcome all artists from beginner thru master, and to encourage artist growth and community involvement in the cultural art community of the Florida Keys. The Shows, Workshops, and Paint-Outs offered by the FKWCS invite its participants to immerse themselves in the joy and rewards associated with the water based medium.
Membership in the Florida Keys Watercolor Society is open to both full and part-time residents of Monroe County. Residents must reside within the county for a minimum of 2 months per calendar year, or less with approval by the Board of Directors.
$30. Membership (due annually by Dec 1) and prepaid Workshop Fees are payable to the Florida Keys Watercolor Society.
Treasury mailing address:
c/o Janet Cederlund, Treasurer
April-Mid December: 17421 MARENGO RD, UNION, IL 60180
Xmas / January-March: 850 LAGOON, SUMMERLAND KEY, FL 33042
(see addresses beneath calendar)
JAN 7 MEETING BOARD 9:00 am - MEMBERSHIP 10:00 am Marathon Community Theater
JAN 14 PAINT DAY 9:00-2:00 (Be sure to bring drop cloth and $10 contribution.) St Columba Episcopal Church Hall - See directions in "Things to Know" below.
JAN 21 WORKSHOP SET UP San Pablo Catholic Church Hall10:00 a.m.
JAN 22/23/24 JOHN CLAYTON WORKSHOP 9:00- 4:00, San Pablo Catholic Church Hall. (Snacks & Drinks Provided). SEE: https://www.johnclaytonstudio.com/about (or "Things to Know" section below)
FEB 4 ANNUAL MEETING BOARD 9:00 am - MEMBERSHIP 10:00 am Marathon Community Theater
FEB 11 PAINT DAY 9:00-2:00 (Be sure to bring drop cloth and $10 contribution.) St Columba Episcopal Church Hall - See directions in "Things to Know" below.
MAR 4 ANNUAL MEETING BOARD 9:00 am - MEMBERSHIP 10:00 am (ALSO SHOW DROP-OFF DAY) Marathon Community Theater
MAR 11 WORKSHOP SET UP San Pablo Catholic Church Hall 10:00 a.m.
MAR 12-13-14 CHRISTINE REICHOW WORKSHOP 9:00-4:00, 1 Hour Lunch: bring your own or go out. Snacks and Drinks provided) Reichowhttps://www.christinereichow.art San Pablo Catholic Church Hall
MAR 13 - APR 12 43RD ANNUAL SHOW SHOW, SALE & EXHIBIT @ Marathon Community Theater Main Gallery
MAR 18 PAINT DAY 9:00-2:00 (Be sure to bring drop cloth and $10 contribution.) St Columba Episcopal Church Hall - See directions in "Things to Know" below.
APR 8. MEETING BOARD 9:00 am - MEMBERSHIP 10:00 am Marathon Community Theater
APR TBD SOCIAL Annual Pot-Luck Gathering- Watch for details
550 122ND St, (Oceanside) Marathon, FL
ST COLUMBA Episcopal Church HALL
Directions: Drive to the back of church (around the block or from the side of the property.) See 2 driveways and the gravel parking lot. There is a visible main door to the multipurpose room from this location.)
451 52nd St. (Gulfside) Marathon, FL
TIME: 9:00 -2:00 (Bring your own Lunch, Project, Supplies and Drop Cloth.) COST: $10 donation for use of the facility
5101 Overseas Hwy, Marathon, FL
*Attendees will receive access to the image transparency upon receipt of their paid $250. workshop fee. Please note that all fees must be forwarded to the FKWCS Treasurer prior to the workshop to hold their paid reservation. By request of the insructor, seating is limited for this workshop and reservations will be accepted on first-come basis.
Capturing the Beauty of Nature in Gradient Washes
Have you wondered how artists paint vibrant yet translucent watercolor flowers? Have you seen translucent watercolor flowers combined with a flawless gradient background? Christine Reichow has been painting award winning nature subjects with a gradient background for over 25 years.
This is designed to be an informative and encouraging workshop that challenges artists at all levels.
Each artist will be given a floral image to transfer to their watercolor paper. Christine will demonstrate her painting techniques as the class progresses. The topics covered will be masking, gradient washes, glazing, values, tricks and tips. Each artist will leave with a finished painting.
Come and have fun while exploring the wonderful world of translucent watercolor with gradient background washes.
Reichow Workshop MATERIALS LIST (Updated 2/5/25)
Learning to paint gradient washes is a messy business.
Please wear clothes that can get paintspattered and/or an apron.
Bring at least 3 kitchen towel size rags.
Winsor Newton, Daniel Smith or Holbein Watercolor Paint
Aureolin Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Holbein MarineBlue, Holbein Shadow Green (a must), Hooker Green, Sap Green, Daniel Smith Quinacridone Fuschia, Windsor Newton Permanent Rose, and any other of your favorite transparent watercolor paints.
Palette with mixing areas along with 5 Styrofoam plates
Fabriano Artistico Soft Pressed 300 pound watercolor paper 15” x 22” (half sheet) This paper is a must.
Support on which to paint.
Hake Brushes in assorted sizes, including at least 3 in a 3” width
Assorted round brushes small to large (bring your favorites) and several small scrubber brushes
Cheap synthetic brushes to apply mask
Pebeo Mask - this is a must! (Since this product has a shelf life, bring within one year of purchase)
Additional Equipment
HB Pencil, Kneaded Eraser, natural rubber pick up, scrap watercolor paper (color testing), cheap tissues without lotion, 2 containers for water, spray bottle, magnifying glass is helpful, notebook
Special Notes from Christine~
I will be bringing plexiglass sheets for all students. This is important for the gradient background process.
Also, the flower image that we will be completing will be sent ahead to the workshop coordinators. Please contact the FL Keys Watercolor Society to make arrangements.
(1 Hour Lunch: bring your own or go out. Snacks and Drinks provided)
(As always, please remember your basic supplies such as water cup, paper towels, rags, paint pan or mixing tray, spray bottle, etc. If you have questions, please call any board member; we're here to help :)
Other FKWCS "Things to Know"
Marathon Community Theater SHOW INFORMATION: Exhibiters must be FKWCS members in good-standing. All artwork must be for sale; 20% commission fee helps support community arts thru MCT productions. Updated information will be available at the membership meetings 👍🏼
The FKWCS awards an annual scholarship to an outstanding student who is pursuing higher education in the visual arts field. Our membership would like to congratulate Marathon High School Senior, Riley McDonald, our 2023 Visual Arts Scholarship Recipient.
For current information about our scholarship fund, or application protocol, please contact HS Administration or Peach Jar Community Updates.
President - Peter Sterling Turner (Contact: thefkwcs@gmail.com)
Vice President - Dorothea McFarland
Recording Secretary - Barbara Reid
Treasurer & Web Oversite - Janet Cederlund
Historian & Social Media - Etoile Leblanc
Membership Chair - Madelyn Paulson
Publicity, Advertising, Scholarship - Peter Sterling Turner
DUES: Dues cover the period January 1st - December 31st Annually
Dues shall be payable on December 1st of the preceding year, or upon new membership enrollment which will be credited to either the current or upcoming membership year; date dependent.
Indemnity Policy Agreement - Adopted Feb, 2023
“I understand the need and requirement for the Florida Keys Watercolor Society (aka FKWCS) to require a release of liability for all its members and participants. In consideration of the right to participate in activities offered by the FKWCS or any of its leaders, directors, officers, instructors, or members, I hereby agree to RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, and HOLD HARMLESS the FKWCS, its leaders, directors, officers, instructors, and members from any loss or damage suffered by myself or any family member or guest that I bring to the FKWCS activity or event. This signed agreement will be held in the Membership Records of the FKWCS.”
For more information about the FKWCS, please see the contact information below! We look forward to hearing from you!
The MARATHON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE http://www.floridakeysmarathon.com. Email:membership@floridakeysmarathon.com
The MARATHON COMMUNITY THEATER (MCT) http://marathontheater.org